Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The NewNew NYC

Have you heard of The Newnew?
It is a great, awesome group of crafters. This is not just a group of people but the support of independent business is wonderful! NYC is tough to find the little things like where do I buy bulk shipping bags or what markets should I be in? The Newnew is there to help w all of this stuff.
So all this week  I would like to focus on Newnew NYC crafters. Today's blog is ceramics and housewares. I have spent a good time recently looking for cake stands and birds. Odd combo but there is a reason. While on etsy I found these oh so cool ones from Newnew New Yorkers!


  • shevongantceramics
    brooklyn, NY 
    Just click on a picture to go to the artist's shop on etsy. Or just type in newnewteam to see all of the New York Indie Artists part of this creative collective!