
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Stitch in time......

Recently in my classes many students have been asking about doing basic stitch repairs. The most common one being how to hem pants. Here in NYC I hear people pay about $10.00 for hemming a pair of pants. I purchased a book called "A stitch in time..." a few years ago. The book is by Clarice Taylor and is very gender friendly, no frilly stuff in this manual. What you will find are your basic essential stitches like the slip stitch, the best stitch for hemming a pair of pants.

Another repair that I am asked to teach is how to sew a button. I am completely bewildered by this but I guess it isn't so easy to the non sewer.  If you are a non sewer don't be intimidated to fix your own pants or skirt or button.  I love buying books and of all the sewing books I do have, "A stitch in time... " is the easiest to reference. All you need to start is a pair of sewing scissors, some thread and a pack of hand sewing needles.  You will be saving yourself alot of money and teaching yourself a new skill!

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