
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kate Spade and Florence Broadhurst

Know who Florence Broadhurst is? She is an Australian who passed away in 1974, actually she was murdered. My aussie husband and his mother introduced me to her designs.  They are big, bold and beautiful! Well walking in the Flatiron District this past Sunday I saw her design in a store front window and was somewhat surprised to see it was Kate Spade. Kate Spade has licensed the Japanese Floral print to use pretty much on everything; wall paper, dresses, pillow covers, bed spreads, shoes, the list goes on!

Florence has a very interesting past. She grew up on a cattle station where her father was a drover (anybody see The Australian? Hugh Jackman was a drover, hmmm......).  However she was raised to be very gentile, learning tennis and needlework,  a Victorian childhood.  Florence went on to reinvent herself and create many lives for herself. She started out working in theatre, onto singing, eventually becoming a designer. At one point she opened up a dress shop in Paris and called herself Madame Pellier.
taken from the Florence Broadhurst book by Helen O'Neill

top is Rabbits and Poodles bottom is Cats and Mice

Florence's prints have a wide range of motifs. The large 2 color florals are probably the most recognizable. There are 2 prints that caught my eye, she designed for her children's bedroom.

Hopefully we will see more of Florence's work here in the states and maybe Kate Spade will choose another of her designs to use next spring!  What do you think of the Kate Spade designs?


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