
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pretty Pics for a Rainy Day

English Garden path from pinterest
What a miserable rainy day we are having in NYC today! Wow, I sit here looking out and the rain is just coming down.  I started working on my garden this past week and am so excited to get planting and harvesting!  I also started putting all of my garden inspiration pictures in a scrapbook.  I thought I would share some with you to put some color into this dreary day.

Better Homes and Gardens

Better Homes and Gardens Grid garden

Martha Stewart
Breathtaking blue and purple hue border from pinterest

Another beautiful purple hue  path on pinterest
from Herbal House on Pinterest

 Sindi Alvarado on pinterest
Sweet pea tower from pinterest

Pinterest via tumblr via Domino Mag

After reviewing all of the photos I have here for inspiration, can you say that I am drawn to purples?
I just recently found out that I will be having a plot in the community garden in my neighborhood.  I am so excited!  What to plant????

Do you have a favorite garden color? How do you organize your garden? What's your inspiration?
What about container gardens? Those are very useful in urban situations.
And also can be used very creatively.  What do you plant in pots? How do you like to organize them?

Happy planting!

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