
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

In Like a Lion out like a Lamb

Harper bundled up in her neon pink stroller bag and her new flannel/fleece scarf.

Really? At the moment I am so bewildered by this phrase.  In like a lion out like a lamb.  What does that even mean?  I am starting to feel like this winter is more like an elephant; heavy and slow.  But if the true meaning of in like a lion and out like a lamb really does ring true then the end of this month should be lovely!  I woke up today to 13 degrees Fahrenheit.  The weather is on every one's mind.  I went to the wine shop last night, weather conversation.  Next was the grocery store, weather conversation.  This morning I dropped off the bundled up little Harper, weather conversation.  Coffee shop afterwards, yep you guessed it, we talked about the weather.  Oh how drab and boring but no the conversation doesn't get boring but yes it does grow tiresome.

One can't help but naturally be drawn to warmer weather things.  I ordered my seeds last week from a newly discovered website, Seeds Savers Exchange.  They seem to have a large variety of heirloom seeds and promote the history and heritage of native plants.  I have a very small area in my own yard for a garden but I just learned I am number 5 on the wait list for the local community garden.  I have been waiting two years.   I ordered the heritage farm favorites, I think I am most looking forward to growing and eating the dragon carrot!

This last month I was busy blogging about fabric definitions so I do have so much to tell you.  My other warm weather obsession has been a book I just finished last night.  And it was one of those books I really did not want to end; The Bucolic Plague.  A book about 2 men who buy a mansion and farm upstate while still living in the city and try to make a go of it.  I really enjoyed it and it only makes me want my only little farm a bit more.

Bucolic Plague

I also have been working on a Colette Pattern, the Negroni.  I am first making it in muslin since I have never worked on one of her patterns before.  I am almost done.  It is interesting to see how others create patterns since my training is in mens woven shirts.  I really like her company.  The company is based in Portland, her website is fun and user friendly and she sends out great newsletters.  I tell all of my students they should sign up for them.  

In the meantime I will just wait for my vegetable seeds to arrive and keep braving this weather. 
What are you doing to stay warm and keep your spirits up? 

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