
Friday, March 28, 2014

Help me pick! New Liberty of London Pocket Squares and a Giveaway!

Bourton Pocket Square

Spring is finally here! Well at least the calendar says so.  I am adding a new Liberty of London pocket square to the collection in my Etsy Shop.  I am hoping you can help me pick which design to add.

And to thank you for your hard efforts I will be giving away one pocket square with the new design. Just leave me your opinion in the comment section.   As you can see each style has the name written in black.  The pocket square will have a folded hem with matching thread.  Similar to this one:

So tell me what you think!  Will it be the birds in Strawberry Thief?  Or maybe the pink trucks in Hunter?  You have until Thursday April 3rd 11:59 pm EST, to leave a comment.  The winner will be announced Friday April 4th.

And have a great weekend!



  1. I like Strawberry Thief best, but also really like Xanthe Sunbeam!

  2. actually i love that paisley the best! LOL! but i guess that's not in the running, right? ;) since spring is here--sort of--i think xanthe sunbeam is my next choice. i was leaning toward strawberry thief at first since it's pretty masculine, but then sunbeam jumped out at me and looked like a great spring choice.


  3. I love Liberty of London! I bought some of their fabric 30 years ago when I went to visit - now it's vintage! I love Bourton and then Strawberry Thief, a William Morris classic.

  4. Hi Birdy27, the Paisley Square called Bourton is already for sale in my Etsy shop.

  5. How can I choose, they're all so pretty. Maybe Sunbeam because I love poppies.
