
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

DIY Pom Pom Making

Pom poms say 70's to me throughout the year but around the holidays they just seem festive and fun. They can be snowflakes, ornaments, jumbo, tiny and any color.  Last year I made a few large turquoise ones for my tree. This year I started an Advent Branch, making a pom pom for each day before Christmas. Here is how you make pom poms with the pom pom maker, which makes life much easier.

I have to say when I first bought this instrument I was completely dumb founded.  And this past year a friend borrowed it and it confused her as well.  So I decided to break it down for you and take photos of each step.

1. Buy a Clover Pom Pom maker.  I bought mine at Purl Soho.

2. The maker opens up 2 ways.  Open up so both sides pull over to one side.  Wrap yarn around colored plastic piece until yarn becomes almost flush with both flat pieces.

3. Now that yarn is wrapped around both sides get your scissors.  Note I am showing photos from two different types of yarns.  The turquoise yarn is Cascade Magnum and nice and fluffy!  The purple below is Madeline Tosh, that has a nice varigated dyed look.

4. Cut yarn. 

5. Then cut a long piece of yarn, about 18" and pull the yarn thru the pom pom maker.  See where the yarn was just cut thru?  That is where you are wrapping this new piece of yarn around.  This is going to keep your short yarns of the pom together.

6. Pull tight and make a knot.  Then pull apart the pom pom maker.

Last step you need to trim and fluff the yarn.

Now you can trim the tree or make your own Advent branch. 

Happy Pom Making!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holiday Prep - DIY Decor and Gifts

I love the holidays! I love this time of year right before Christmas.  The temperature is cool, fire places lit, crafting is full on.  In the next few weeks I will be sharing some of my DIY decorations and gifts.
 I am teaching two workshops at the Sewing Studio  which is in Chelsea on W 29th but I will also share with you here some fun crafty things to do.
Check back often, this is what we will be making!

wine bottle bag
pom pom countdown
holiday runner
lavender sachets that will make any stocking smell fantastic!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Two Workshops in NYC for the Holidays

Liberty of London fabric lined with Shot cotton
Ok are you trying to think of something to make for the holidays?
I will be teaching 2 different workshops at the Sewing Studio this month.  One is holiday based, the other is not.  Both of them are for beginners to intermediate.  If you don't know how to use the sewing machine don't worry, I will teach you.  You will also learn some hand sewing, working with applying embellishments and interfacing.  If you are looking for something fun to do with your friends you should come on by!

December 18th 6:30 to 9:30

Alexander Henry Day of the Dead fabric with Shot cotton

Workshop 2
Craft a Keepsake Stocking
Saturday December 21st 3 to 6

Wool felt is so lovely to work with.  With Harper now in my life I decided to start a new tradition, maker her a stocking every year.  I have been playing with wool felt alot lately.  Besides being warm, it is super flexible, forgiving and comes in so many colors!  Don't be surprised if you see more projects from me using this fabulous fabric!

felt bundles from Purl Soho
 One of the above bundles is great for details and trimming but the size of each piece is not large enough for one stocking.  Suggestion: you can always sew a color blocked stocking and piece the felt together.

samples I am working on

You bring the felt, fabric and what ever embellishments you want.  Some suggestions are sequins, smaller pieces of felt, rick rack, pom poms, embroidery floss.  How about some metallic or glow in the dark floss? DMC makes both!
We will provide needles, some trim, glues, templates, the pattern and the sewing machines of course!
Come take a break from the crazy holiday shopping on December 21st and have some fun!

rick rack, pom poms and green metallic sequins

 The felt pom poms and metallic sequin strip I bought at Purl Soho.  The rick rack I purchased from etsy years ago, it's from my stash.

Mini stocking measuring 6"

And hopefully you won't be having a cat sit in your supply box....what can I say the wool is warm and cozy!
