
Monday, September 16, 2013

Vacation, vacation

Every summer for the past few years my husband and I go to Nantucket.  A tiny little island off the coast of Cape Cod, it is a magical place.  We like to go after Labor Day, this is when the crowds leave.  It is a beautiful place, rich in history. As I was thinking of what to write today on my blog I was looking at my vacation pictures.  Instead of writing something and then posting photos with my post, I thought I would just post my photos for inspiration.  In case you didn't get to take a vacation this summer maybe these will help you drift off in a lovely day dream.

Some of the things I love about Nantucket.
Benches in random places just to sit and watch the world go by.  

I have spent much time on Nantucket and I still enjoy watching the slow ferry come in.  It gives me shivers, odd to say I know.  Maybe it is the gigantic size of it afloat the water, or maybe the excitement of coming and leaving the island. 

Love the blue shutters on this house. 

Love the green trim on this house.

Knitting on the beach.  Working on my version of the Super Easy Baby Blanket by Purl. 

A very old cemetery on Quaker Road

I saw this closed up retail space in town.  Hmmmm....I daydreamed of a nice little sewing shop being here.  But could I survive a winter on this island. 

A typical tiny island roadway

Oysters at Cru Nantucket.  This restaurant is one of my apron clients. The waitress, Dina who was from Long Island, picked out a great selection of oysters for me.

On Wednesdays the flower truck sets up shop. 

a Liberty of London bicycle for sale!

Lots of lovely little cottages

Fresh heirloom tomatoes with fresh ricotta and strawberries at the Boarding House
My girl and I, wearing our striped tees.  Andy and I would have contests to count how many striped nautical type tops we would see. One day it did reach 30 in a few hours.

I hope you enjoyed these photos.  Now only 300 plus days till I see the Grey Lady again.

Farewell, I love you Nantucket.


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