
Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings, New Knitting!

Happy New Year! I have to say I've had the worst cold in my life and motivating to the computer has been pretty rough however I made it! 14 days into the New Year.....
The past few years I stopped making resolutions on New Years and instead would make them on my birthday in September, the beginning of my new year.  However, this past year I saw something on tv that stuck with me.  Most people of course end up not sticking with their resolutions, but it is still a great way to start fresh and make promises to better oneself.  So I decided to make some resolutions.  Now is the hard part, being realistic.

Why blog about resolutions?  Well one of them is to try and finish what I start.  Not wanting to fail I sometimes don't finish things.  Knitting projects.  I've been knitting off and on for 10 years.  I learned when I started designing sweaters at Columbia Sportswear.  It was a great reason to take knitting classes so I can learn gauge.  This past December I signed up for a Herringbone Cowl class at Purl.  I didn't realize it was an advanced knitting course.  It's been difficult, to say the least. I have always had problems with understanding the knit stitches.  I've worked on it slowly.  In between I have knitted 2 hats for gifts.  The herringbone cowl I find to be a tough project, the yarn which I love is slippery and the stitch is backwards. All in all, it hasn't been pleasurable. But I decided I should keep up with it.  Also Sophia, the teacher and a friend, has been encouraging.  So resolution one,  finish my projects.

This is what I hope to accomplish.

It's so buttery beautiful! Picture taken from the Purl Bee

Do you do resolutions? What are some of yours?
Should I give myself a goal of trying to create 5 resolutions?

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