
Monday, November 5, 2012

Tula Pink, incredibly creative and fresh designer

I wanted to write today's post about a fabric designer I recently saw speak.  If you are not into sewing of any kind or using fabric I think you will still like to see the interesting and whimsical artwork this young woman produces.
This past year I have gotten really into quilting. Although I grew up with a mother who quilts I never really was interested in it. However from working at Purl Soho I became interested in a different type of quilting, patchwork. My mother is a whole cloth quilter, this is when a whole piece of fabric is used and quilted into. The act of quilting into is sewing your design thru 3 layers; 2 layers of fabric and the batting.
A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to see a woman named Tula Pink speak at the City Quilter.  I have never heard of her before but  I'm always into learning about new artists.
Tula worked in the music industry before settling down in the mid-west.  She spoke of how she creates prints, develops them and then chooses her color.  Since I have a background in designing prints and yarndyes I was already familiar with the process. However hearing about her creative process and how it works in the quilt world was extremely interesting.

Tula starts everything off with a pencil drawing which is the foundation of the fabric.  While she is creating she is constantly thinking of how the art will look on the fabric at every stage. For example how will it look on the bolt sitting on the shelf and once a customer opens it, how will it unfold.
In her fabric, color is the most important thing so she only works in black, white and gray until the very end.  This seems opposite of what you would think but only working in neutrals helps her concentrate on the art and once the piece is complete she then plays with the color.
Color is the first thing the customer reacts to. I went to see Tula with a colleague from Purl and we agreed. Customers, even us, we are first attracted to color. 
Each collection has a story which helps keep her on track.  Her line Parisville was based on Marie Antoinette the movie from a few years ago by Sofia Coppola, a personal favorite of mine. 


I love the little mice running around the circles in this one.

One of her recent collections is called Nightshade. It is a story of 3 sisters, Neptunia, Bella Donna and Scarlett. Neptunia becomes a pirate at age 9.  You can read more here. 


Tula and a finished quilt using the Nightshade collection,

I do have to tell you I was so inspired by Tula and immediately purchased some of the Marie Antoinette fabrics. Now what to do with them.
Do you have a favorite fabric designer? Have you seen Tula's work?
What do you think of the large scale prints?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tracy from a fellow BYW bootcamper.

    This designer is fabulous. I am not a sewer or quilter but these fabrics are lovely. I refurbish and build furniture and a friend of mine does upholstery and she would absolutely love her designs.

    I will have to read some more of your posts. Glad to hear you were fine in that nasty storm. I was once to NewYork and found it to be very friendly and just so over the top compared to westcoast Vanouver Island, British Columbia

    Your spoons caught my eye on pinterest. Very cool. Have to head to bed.

    So nice to meet you, Sheryl
