
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back to school GIVE AWAY!

I know we are now mid September and school has been in session for about 2 weeks or so. But I just got back from vacation and it is feeling like I am back to school or work rather and it's feeling a bit like fall today in NYC.  What's a better give away than a lap top envelope! 

This is a cute bee print in pink and green, lined with matching green and padded.
It measures 15" x 10 1/4". I have a 13" imac and it has a few extra inches room in this case.
It is stitched with pink stitching and closes with 2 vintage buttons, one in bright pink and one larger in pearl finish.

These are great to use if you take your laptop to work. You can pop it into your purse or tote and not worry about it getting banged up.

Just leave a comment in the comments section. Do you use a case now for your laptop? Are you a PC or a MAC person? Do you like bees or are afraid of them like me?

Leave your comment by Saturday midnight  September 22.
Winner will be chosen by a random number generator and announced Monday September 24th

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  1. I like bees, but am afraid of you.

  2. I love bees and i am a Mac girl.

  3. Cute! I like bees -- especially on pink and green laptop cases!

  4. These are the type of bees I can handle! Very nice design!

  5. I am MAC all the way and grew up having an apiary...but have a small fear of bees still when I'm not armed with a hand smoker. :)

  6. Oh, if I win I'd use it for my laptop or iPad!
