
Monday, June 18, 2012

Papering the Walls

Darcy from Graham and Brown
Now that we are slowly settling into our new home we have decided to do some wall papering.  This past week Andy has been painting and has shown me some wall paper ideas.
Graham and Brown is one company and the other is Cole and Sons. Obviously in these two cases it takes more than one person to wall paper.
We have a great little nook across from our kitchen that is going to be perfect for a bench and dining table.

I was hoping for a farm table but I have started to change my mind. Rather I think I had one idea in my idea and when I started looking at farm tables I didn't like them. However back to wall paper.

Vivienne Westwood for Cole and Son

Trees called Contemporary II

Love this one but afraid it may get old. Maybe for a walk in closet. Classix from Cole and Son

The other company,  Graham and Brown, has quite a selection. We really are liking the modern prints.

Barbara Hulanicki

Thinking of painting? You may want to look into the wall paper. 
I am looking forward to the trees in our dining nook. It may not have a window but there will be nature to look at.

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