
Monday, March 19, 2012

Modern Quilts....Denyse Schmidt

My mother is a quilter. I thought quilting was basically patchwork although this isn't the type of quilting my mother does. Since working at Purl I am slowly learning more about quilting. I have learned what my mother does is whole cloth quilting. I remember as a child she would have quilts set up in our living room and all the Polish ladies from the Christian Mother's (a PTA type group) of our school would come to quilt. My mother is of Polish descent, her mom and dad came over.  I was thinking the other day of a picture that was taken when I was probably second or third grade. I was wearing a bandana on my head and helping thread needles for the quilts. I guess this must be my first exposure to quilts. If I find the picture I will post it for you all. My mother is still quilting but her hands do bother her. She has made all of us, my 4 brothers and sisters, their children and numerous aunts and uncles quilts. I wonder how many she has made. I have two she has made for me. The latest one was a wedding gift, see below. Absolutely beautiful.

Oliver of course is happy to bless any new cloth item in the apartment.

 The edging here is all hand done.

I do want to learn how to quilt and it is much more complicated than I thought. Maybe my mother will give me some lessons over Easter weekend.

 Denyse Schmidt, a well know quilter based out of Bridgeport Connecticut, has come out with a new book. Her quilts are patchwork quilting. Her fabrics are gorgeous and there is a new collection we carry at work called flea market fancy. What a great name! I realized I actually have some of her fabric from a few years ago. They are colorful and sweet and modern. So I was quite excited when I learned Purl was having a book release party for her at the store on March 29th....and I am working at it!  If you live in NYC you should come by and get some inspiration.


Flea Market Fancy comes in 4 colorways.

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