
Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Pies and Spry Pastry

Happy Monday everyone! Since Thanksgiving just passed and food is on everyone's mind, I thought I would share a wedding gift I received from 2 dear creative friends, Diana and Hannah.  I do like to bake and Diana, Hannah and myself are in a stitch n bitch together so we do have potlucks. The Lost Art of Pie Making. The stories are great and I look forward to working on the recipes.  It reminds me of the Waltons, remember that tv show? Or books like Dick n Jane.
I look forward to spending some time with Aunt Jenny and her recipes.

For Thanksgiving everyone usually has a pumpkin pie. I made pumpkin cheesecake. Personally not a fan of pumpkin pie. But something my friend Kayte did was attend a dinner and she was in charge of bringing the pies. All pumpkin but from different stores. This makes for a fun and interesting taste challenge. The pies came from Fairway, Whole Foods and Trader Joes. The winner? Fairway.

Happy eating! On to the Christmas season!

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