
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chickens and roosters

Lately I have been in a chicken rooster kind of mood, well I guess it comes and goes. For years I have loved the French and Italian inspired country chicken fabrics, kitchen wares, tea towels and dishes. A few weeks ago while sorting thru my piles of fabric looking for Easter type themes I found a chicken fabric. A deep saturated yellow fabric with crispy colored red, white and black chickens. I remember I bought this print to make napkins for myself. It is a nicely spaced print. Just the chicken nothing else.

my latest purchase

I think the reasons I am drawn to these prints is because I have a day dream to live in Provence or some other country rural area of France or Italy.  I've never been to Provence. But I digress, back to the chickens. I have collected quite a collection of the chicken and rooster fabrics and I bought all of these to make things for myself. Not too business like.  Well life gets busy and the chicken fabric piled up on the ironing board waiting for me. So I decided I am going to focus on the chicken and the rooster. Sounds very yen, zen I mean.

French Chicken Countryside Apron May 2011
buy this here


  1. What a beautiful print! It's playful and whimsical and just puts a smile on your face. The two on top are my favorites. The third one is very cute too, but it's a little more geometric and a little busier, still great.

  2. I too wish I lived in some rural area of Italy or France. That would be heaven! This fabric reminds me of an essay that David Sedaris wrote called, "Can't Kill the Rooster" haha
