
Monday, May 31, 2010

End of May already! Sex and the City 2.

Wow I have not posted that much in May. Alot has been happening. Moved to a new place. Have amazing views of Hells Kitchen and the Theatre District....and we can see Neeeewwww Jursey in the distance. AND we only moved 2 blocks! So settling in and settling in and still settling in.

Did a great market in Ellenville NY at the WBASNY convention. Best seller? Not laptop covers to all these lawyers and judges but napkins and placemats.
Made a new friend too, Heidi from Heidi and Arthur Chocolates....holy chocolate! They do corporate gift boxes which make great gifts.  the bark was a big seller.

Summer has begun in the big apple. 80 degree temperatures are here and Sex in the City 2 has opened up. Its getting bad reviews but I still may go see it with my girls. Although the whole desert thing is a bit far fetched. However, then I saw Michael Patrick King interviewed on John Stewart and he made me want to see it. He admits it is far fetched.  They had to do something different. Agreed.

Has anyone seen the 2 yet? Please let me know what you think. Are you a New Yorker?
Hopefully they will be wearing some great fashion.
How is that walking in the sand in heels? I still can't help it, I love Carrie. 

Stay tuned for comments!

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