
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tautou as Chanel

Remember the movie Amelie? That was Audrey Tautou who we all fell in love with. Now she is playing Coco Chanel in the movie Coco Avant Chanel.  New York Magazine Fall Fashion Aug 24, 2009 has a great article about it.
The movie sounds like it gives Chanel a fair shake, well at least from what I have read in a few books about her.
She lost her mother and was abandoned by her father when she was little, age 12.  She lived with nuns and worked as a seamstress. She rose up in french society. She was really the inventor of women's sportswear. She hated the uncomfortable clothes for women at the time. Also what impresses me most is that she was a great designer and a smart business woman, having both of these traits is rare. The film does focus on her loves, two men who did provide financial backing for the business, but it was her that grew the business. She died at 87 in 1971. Currently Karl Lagerfeld has been upholding her legacy. His designs often refer back to the history of the brand.
The movie opens in New York and L.A. on September 25.

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