
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fashion week

So fashion week began last Thursday with Fashion Night Out, see below. BF and I went to Bergdorf's (thanks Casey) for the festivities.
We missed Zac painting dresses in the window but did see a crowd of people around Gossip Girl people. Not too interested in that. We also missed Isaac Mizrahi doing some burlesqueish singing, oh well....We saw some great and inspirational floor displays, clothes, and house accessories, see below.  Oh and my BF ended up in NY Social Diary, I was wandering around scoping out the place and people.
Love the red and black! What pow!
Foo Dog Napkin Rings so cute!  by Dransfield and Ross

I did my contribution to Fashion Night Out, I bought supplies for my upcoming fall sale, Fall in Line with 09.
Next Thursday Sept 24th 6:30 to 8:30 email me for more info.

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