
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello September

So I think September may be my favorite month. The weather is beautiful, warm days, cool nights. Summer is winding down but we still have access to garden veggies. And the birthstone of September is sapphire and astrological sign for most of the month is Virgo.

I am one of the facebook posters for the newnew team in NYC. I check out the daily treasuries and share with the world what I think are the smartest, most unique and simply beautiful treasuries put together. Ok what's a treasury? A treasury is a list put together on of items on the website. There is a theme that the creator of the list comes up with. Anyone can create a list.  There are many treasuries per day.   Today I chose this treasury to share,

The items themselves are varied and interesting but visually the blues are just breath taking.

I hope you enjoy!