
Friday, September 24, 2010

Nantucket Bagg Company

One more Nantucket thing to mention....The Nantucket Bagg Company. Located at 17 Straight Wharf, these are the coolest bags. If you are an artist, stylist, carpenter, crafts person or just like to be organised check this bag out! They come in natural canvas as pictured below and a poly canvas.

Shopping on Nantucket

Nantucket has many cute, cozy and inspirational boutiques.   For many residents this is their second home therefore there are a few furniture and home dec stores.  Every house has an interesting door knocker. My favorite are the whales. The basket below is classic. Nantucket baskets are a symbol of the island.

You can't leave Nantucket without buying a pair of Nantucket Reds. This fabric is a soft red color that fades almost to a terracotta color.  You can purchase these at Murrays Toggery Shop.

Many antique shops to choose from in Nantucket. Be sure to check out Atlantic. This store is absolutely inspirational. Not only nautical and island items but items also for the home. Lots of cool rooster items and I love roosters!

Looking for something nautical? Go to Freedmans on Center St.

Other stores to check out are Manor House Antiques and Stephanies.

When you are done with all this shopping be sure to stop by the Bean. This cafe is a little hidden but it is also on Center St. Very cool coffee pots decorate the shop.
Also free wifi in here.

Be sure to put Nantucket on your list of places to see in your life. You will have a very relaxing time, many beaches to go to, get a bike, eat good food and do some shopping.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

GREY LADY.....The island of Nantucket

I'm on vacation this week in Nantucket Massachusetts. For those of you who are not aware of Nantucket it is a teensy island off of Cape Cod in the middle of the Atlantic. Nantucket was a small, farming community in the 17th century.  In the 18th and 19th century, the island became the capital of the American Whaling Industry and in the 20th century a very popular east coast summer resort area.

I worked in Nantucket many moons ago for a summer. I worked at the 4 Chimneys which was a B and B, no longer in existence. The owner decided to turn it into a private home. Here is a pic now of it.

This is such a cool place, like many old captain's mansions this house has a cupola where you can see the whole harbor. The Captain's wives would look out of these trying to spot the ships returning from whale hunting.

Many of the houses have the shingles that will turn a grey blue from the salt air. There are so many cute houses here that there are books about them.
The one below is a new house so the shingles have not changed yet.

Stay tuned, tomorrow I will be showing you some of my favorite shops on the island.